I know.....I know.....it's been awhile. We've had a busy summer. It's funny how I long for summer, so that I can have a "break" there's no "break" for us, I don't think I'm a break kind of person. This is what we have been up to.......
Alexa...her favorite pass time....
Before we left for the movie we had some backyard fun....farm girl style!
Hope you enjoyed the pictures....we've had a fun summer so far. Now it's time to kick it into "ant" gear...we have been kinda "grasshopper'en" it. I'm working on the next "survival story" post....now off to pick Raspberry's......happy summer all -blessings
p.s. I think I've found it...... the blog I was looking for a few posts ago, I'll let you know if it's a "goodie" soon :)
Wow! Okay... how much did you have to cough up for those skate? Reidell... My free-styles were outrageous back in the 70's. Took a LOT of hours working part time at McDonalds - at $2.35 per hr.!!! Have fun! Be safe! Hands up when the butt's taking a slide!! LOL
Good pic's Sis!! Yay for summer!!
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